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Taufik Batisah Sah Dah Bertunang, Bakal Kahwin April Ini

Taufik Batisah Sah Dah Bertunang, Bakal Kahwin April Ini

The New Paper sebuah portal Singapura telah melaporkan, Taufik Batisah telah mengesahkan pertunangannya dengan seorang gadis Singapura.

Taufik Batisah dan pasangannya itu bakal bernikah pada April tahun ini.

Ini komen Taufik Batisah:

“Thank you everyone for your kind words and well wishes. Similarly to how we have shared both joys and tears together throughout my career, I would also like to share this personal joy with all of you. I am glad to have finally found the special someone whom I can share my future with. She is not in the entertainment business… I have always been private in terms of my personal life thus I seek your kind understanding that I sincerely will like to protect her privacy. 

Going forward, I hope that my passion for work and my family can co-exist beautifully together. It will be a pretty hectic time for us leading to the wedding with all the preparations. I do hope that you will continue to support and pray for the best of us.”

Namun siapakah gerangan wanita itu masih dirahsiakan. Walaubagaimanapun, melalui laporan MediaHiburan, gadis itu bernama Sheena Akbal.

Budak Perempuan Ini Menunjukkan Kebolehannya Mengalahkan Lelaki (BACA SINI)


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